Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentines Day

Daniel and I decided to recreate a meal from one of our favorite restaurants, McGuires, for Valentine's Day. Usually we aren't terrible cooks but this meal was not up to par. I guess it went downhill when we decided to grill our steaks on a pancake griddle and make mashed potatoes without any instruments to mash with. Then someone caught a napkin on fire while trying to clean up the stove. But, oh the memories! We don't even have a dining table so we sat indian style at our homemade coffee table and tried to muster up the strength to eat the food. Even though the food was terrible, I had a pretty cool valentine.

The chef!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Something I dread..

So last weekend Daniel stunk. I say this lovingly. But he realized he hadn't washed his clothes in quite sometime so we decided to try out the neighborhood's laundry mat for the first time which is in walking distance from our new place. We walk in to see several middle aged bachelors who are all awkwardly standing there in silence staring at machines they are using. Occasionally the silence would be broken as one might say, "Bad day to wash clothes, huh?" or "Wonder if this guy would be mad if I pulled his clothes out?" We both would just chuckle in response and then give each other 'the eyes'. Like...let's get out of here as soon as possible eyes.

To our dismay all the machines are taken as we stand there patiently. We sit down and the machines almost lull you to sleep from the constant noise and boredom of waiting. We were so happy when someone would finally come in to remove their clothes. $1.00 to put a load in the washer...we wait..it finishes. The dreadful cycle starts all over again when we realize all the dryers are in use.
When one opens up we shove the clothes in..4 quarters and leave. We come back 40 minutes later and the clothes are still wet. One more dollar. Again we come back 40 minutes later and the clothes are still so damp.

We gave up and when I left that night poor Daniel's underwear, shirts, and socks were hanging all over the place to dry...on curtain rods, chairs, the sofa, the fridge, doorknobs, etc.

I know this is a long blog about absolutely nothing..but that was just plain ridiculous. I will never take my future washing machine/dryer for granted.